Do you offer telephone support?

This documentation is for an older version of CCC. You can find the latest version here.
Last updated on October 29, 2016

We do not staff an incoming telephone support desk.

In providing support to our customers since 2002, we have determined that we can provide more efficient and higher quality support when that support interaction is started with an online submission process. When you submit a support request directly through Carbon Copy Cloner's Help menu, your logs are (with your consent) submitted alongside your request, allowing us to analyze your unique CCC configuration and any error messages you're encountering. Frequently we'll get requests with no more detail than "I'm having trouble getting this to work." That doesn't phase us. After a brief review of CCC's logs we can very quickly follow up with a list of steps to resolve the problem, along with annotated screenshots. If someone is still having trouble, we're happy to arrange a phone call or screen sharing support if that would help them get through a set of instructions.

Every support request is answered by a member of the Bombich Software support team and we do our best to respond to every request within one business day. We provide online support, in English, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, US Eastern Time.

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